
1.     I am not a local high school student, can I enrol?

This programme only accepts Form 4 or 5 local students only.

2.     Can a team consist of students from two different schools?

No, members must come from the same secondary schools, but they can be in different years of study.

3.     Can I submit the information of other members after the application if the number of team members is less than three?

Each team must consist of three members when submitting the application. If more than one team is nominated, each student can join one team only.

4.     Can I change the team members/ priority after submitting the application and before the selection?

If you need to change the information for your team, you must email your request to the organiser. The receipt of your request is confirmed upon the organiser reverting your email, and it requires at least 10 working days to process. Therefore, you should raise your request as soon as possible to avoid affecting the final selection result.

5.    Can I publish/ use my Metaverse space in the future?

Yes, you can use your Metaverse space after the competition.

6.     What language should I use for the assignments/ Metaverse space/ presentation?

All assignments and presentations must be done in English. English should be the primary language when designing the Metaverse space, and English translation must be included when Chinese content is used in the Metaverse.

7.     What is the medium of instruction in the training?

English will be the medium of instruction. However, lecturers may supplement with Cantonese in lectures to enable easier understanding.

8.     How to submit my assignments after lectures?

The organiser will provide a “PolyU Blackboard” account to each participant. They can upload the assignments to the system within 6 hours after lectures.

9.     I don’t have the advanced equipment to finish my assignments at home, what can I do?

In most cases, assignments can be finished with personal computers with standard specifications. If there is a genuine need, the organiser can provide limited equipment and space for participants to complete their assignments on a first-come-first-serve basis.

10.  My Metaverse space was submitted to other competitions, can I use it for this competition?

No. Each entry must be original and have not been published before.

11.  Can I submit the same Metaverse space for multiple sessions in this competition?

The theme for each session is different. It is unlikely you can match all themes with one Metaverse space design.

12.  Do I need to present my Metaverse space to the judging panel in the elimination round of the competition?

You need to submit presentation slides only in the elimination round, and pitching is not required. Shortlisted teams will present to the judging panel in the final.

13.  What is the consequence of absences from training sessions or competitions?

The overall ability of participants will be assessed through ongoing evaluation in the training and elimination round. Outstanding participants would be given bonus points for admission if they apply for undergraduate programmes offered by the Department of Computing of PolyU. If participants do not attend some training sessions/ competition sessions in the elimination round, their assessment will be affected and they may lose the bonus point offer.

14.  If I apply for personal leave for training sessions or competitions in advance, can I be exempted from losing the evaluation scores of the affected sessions?

If participants apply for personal leaves, their evaluation scores on the absent days will not be counted.

15.  If I spot suspected rule violations or cheating, what should I do?

Please report to the organiser immediately. The organiser will investigate and follow up as soon as possible.

16.  If I feel unwell during the training period or on competition days, what should I do and what is the consequence?

If participants can provide valid medical certificates during the training period. In that case, the organiser shall handle the sick leave application at its discretion, such as accepting late submission of assignments, but the number of times can be at most twice. Participants absent from the elimination round will lose their evaluation scores of the day which may reduce the chance of getting bonus points for admission. However, other team members can still compete in the elimination and be assessed. Sick leave during the final will not affect the result of individual ability evaluation, and other team members can continue the competition, whereas the absent member will lose his/her eligibility for awards.

      17.  What are the arrangements during adverse weather conditions?

All activities will be postponed when Pre-No.8 Special Announcement, Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, “Extreme Condition” Announcement, or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal are issued/ hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory before activities start. Make-up classes or competitions will be arranged on other days. When a Pre-No.8 Special Announcement, Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, or “Extreme Condition” Announcement are issued during activities, all activities will immediately be suspended, and make-up classes or competitions will be arranged on other days. If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued in session, all activities should continue until the end of the session, and if it is the end of the activities where Black Rainstorm Warning is still in force, participants should be advised to return home only when conditions are safe. All activities will operate as normal under Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3, or Amber and Red Rainstorm Warning.

18.  Does the organiser implement special measures against COVID-19?

Organiser will follow the latest guidelines announced by the government and PolyU related to COVID-19. Participants have the right to decide whether to wear masks. Classrooms will be cleaned regularly and hand sanitisers will be provided.

For other questions, please email to comp.mct@polyu.edu.hk.