
To develop an outstanding Metaverse space, extensive knowledge of Metaverse and related technologies is required. This comprehensive training programme provides specific training on Metaverse technologies and content creation prior to the competition. The training courses are designed and taught by the faculty members of Department of Computing of PolyU or distinguished guest lecturers.

Introduction to Metaverse

Metaverse is a concept that describes a fully immersive environment where people can interact with each other and digital objects in a three-dimensional space. It is essentially a convergence of physical and virtual worlds, offering unlimited possibilities for social, economic, and entertainment experiences. This training course aims to equip learners with basic understanding of metaverse platform and its potential to revolutionize how we live, work, and play in the future.


Dr NG Hiu Fung, Peter

Assistant Professor 

3D Modelling and Scene Design

3D modelling is the process of creating a three-dimensional digital representation of an object. In the context of the Metaverse, 3D modelling is essential for creating immersive virtual experiences. This training course aims to equip learners with basic understanding to create and manipulate digital objects that can present in 3D world to enhance the sense of presence and interactivity within the virtual world.

Scene design is the process of creating virtual environments within the Metaverse. It involves designing and placing virtual objects, textures, lighting, and other elements to create an immersive and engaging virtual space. This training course aims to equip learners with basic understanding to create a memorable scene in metaverse.


Mr TANG Yat Shing, Sunny

Award-winning Animation Director & Managing Director of Astro Heart Limited 

Programming and Interaction Design in Metaverse

The goal of this course is to teach students the fundamentals of creating immersive and interactive virtual environments. It will enable students to develop a playable metaverse prototype for brainstorming and experimentation. Mainly, we will focus on game programming, using computer languages such as C# to develop simple applications in Unity. Based on this, we will extend our discussion on how to develop functions that can enable interactions within the metaverse.


Dr SIN Ping Tat, Zackary

Research Assistant Professor

Virtual Reality (VR) Development

Virtual reality is a simulated experience that employs computer graphics, human-computer interaction and other technologies to induce the sense of presence (i.e., the sense of “being there”) in virtual worlds. This training course aims to equip learners with the basic skills in using Unity to create such experiences for head-mounted displays. 


Dr LI Chen, Richard

Assistant Professor

Augmented Reality (AR) Development

Augmented reality is an interactive experience that perfectly blends computer-rendered contents with the real world. Mobile augmented reality is a specific type of augmented reality that harnesses the power of mobile computing and multimodal sensing technologies. This training course focuses on the creation of mobile augmented reality experiences on iOS devices.


Members of PolyU iOS Club

Blockchain in Metaverse

In this workshop, the fundamentals of the blockchain technology, including cryptocurrency, non-fungible token (NFT), Web3, InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), smart contract, decentralized applications (DApp) and related security requirements, particularly on its application in metaverse, will be introduced. Students will have hands-on experience in minting NFTs for their 2D/3D objects developed for the metaverse environment, and importing and transferring NFTs using crypto wallets.


Dr LUI Wing Cheung, Richard

Senior Teaching Fellow

Use-Cases Study & Company Sharing

In this training program, students have the opportunity to see some user cases and new application technologies about Metaverse. The goal of the training is to enable students to understand the potential and value of Metaverse in applications, and to bring new impacts to their innovative thinking.


Dr TANG Kai Tai, Jeff

Teaching Fellow

Training Period and Time

18 – 21 /7 & 25 – 28/ 7 /2023

Due to the large no. of participants, training will be divided into two timeslots. Students will be informed of the session they should attend in early July. 

AM: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
PM: 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Session  : 

8 half-day sessions in total; 3 hours each 

Venue  : 

6/F, Core PQ, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

Mode  : 


Content  : 

Lectures, in-class tutorials, take-home assignments and visits etc. 

Attendance  : 

Only participants who achieve a 100% attendance rate can get a full evaluation on their individual abilities. The evaluation scores will affect the arrangement of bonus points for undergraduate admission in the future. Details are available in the section “Bonus Points for Undergraduate Admission”. 

Organiser reserves the right to make changes in the training topics and content without prior notification.